Luis Quintero

Luis Quintero

Engineer and researcher (PhD) in the Data Science Group. Designing projects that intersect immersive virtual worlds (VR, AR, XR, and spatial computing) with smart wearables, AI solutions, and data science algorithms.

Cofounder and CTO of PortalSense, a tech startup onboarding real estate businesses in the next digital transformation with immersive technologies.

🌎 Stockholm (Sweden) 📌 Manizales (Colombia)


Other profiles:

Personal Notes / Blog

Overview of my PhD Thesis and public defense seminar

An outlook in the future of Human-AI interaction 📃 User Modeling for Adaptive Virtual Reality Experiences:Personalization from Behavioral and Physiological Time Series 🔍See PDF… In my doctoral th...

Frequent Code Snippets

Git Git fundamentals Based on Course from Corey Schafer on Youtube. Git is a distributed Version Control System (VCS), SVN is centralized. To check if git is installed use: git --version Init...

Developing XR applications with Unity using OpenXR, XRIT and Oculus Quest

XR development in Unity 2020.3.26f1 I summarize here some relevant steps and connection commands to develop VR applications with Unity, OpenXR, XRIT and Oculus Quest. A preconfigured project in Un...

Notes and Tips for Academic Writing

Thesis writing 📔 Good recommendations for Bachelor’s and Master’s theses from Universitat Bremen: https://cgvr.informatik.uni-bremen.de/theses/index.shtml Manuscript Writing 📜 Resources for...

MarkDown Reference

This Jekyll template totally compatible with Markdown syntax. Now, let’s take a look for the text and typography in this theme. Emojis 😁 🚧🚧 For example Work in Progress! 🚧🚧 Comments in MD Th...

Insights about XR technology

About Facebook’s decision to force personal accounts with their VR headsets Interesting editorial about how this movement represents a step in the future. By 2025, when Apple and Facebook launch t...

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